
Soloists 2015

Linda van der Spaa recieves from Yvonne Hoekstra, on behalf of Stg. Johan van Vossen, the statue belonging to the first prize. (photo: Mehdi Taherian)

Category A:

1. Eline Veldeman, Belgium, Peter Verhoyen
1. Saule Gailiunaite, Belgium / Lithuania, Leen Claessens

Category B:

1. Erica Vogel, The Netherlands, João Ramos Marta
2. Annelies Bayens, Belgium, Sonja van den Plas
3. Iris Doolaar, The Netherlands, Edith van Dyck

Category C:

1. Linda van der Spaa, The Netherlands, Jeroen Bron
2. Julia Oostdam, The Netherlands, Jeroen Bron
3. Sebastiaan Dulfer, The Netherlands, Wieke Karsten
3. Rosa van Kleef, The Netherlands, Wieke Karsten

Category D:

1. Maaike de Vlas, The Netherlands, Wout van den Berg
2. Chantal Spierings, The Netherlands, Wouter van Breugel
3. Mirjam Medendorp, The Netherlands, Anna Zeijlemaker
3. Fenneken Tigchelaar, The Netherlands, Lian van den Goorbergh

(prize, name, nationality, teacher)

  flyer low flutes 2024 flyer piccolo 2025 Erica Vogel flyer traverso 2026-min